
Welcome to Twin Lakes Community Church

To my TLCC family: I know that this time is a bit challenging for most. The uncertainty has created a sense of fear that has infected our community to the point of panic. It is to the point that I wish to share and impress two truths from Scripture, to give you encouragement and hope: .

God is mighty to save (Zeph 3: 17)

God has not given us a spirit of fear (2 Tim 1: 7)

The church is not a building, but of God and has survived much worse than this by His power and grace. It is with this in mind that I understand that I have been entrusted with a duty and responsibility to safeguard His people (Acts 20:28: Heb 13: 17; Jer 3: 15). it is a charge I consider seriously. With that said, I strongly encourage our "at risk" family, those who are sick or vulnerable to stay home and follow medical and professional advice. further, while our doors will be open Sunday,the service can be accessed on either Facebook live @10: 30 AM or twinlakescc.org. During this period, everyone must consider the impact of decisions, not just to themselves, but those they love.

For those who are housebound, you are not alone. I will be available in person or by phone to pray and talk. As a church, we can check on each other by phone and should do so. I love you all and look forward to seeing you soon. God bless and keep you....Pastor Larry. 

Weekly Schedule!


                                    Service Times                               8:30am & 10:30am                                                 (Last Sunday of the month combined service  10:00am)

Spanish Service                           12:00pm

 Narcotic Anonymous                    6:00pm


Women's Bible Study                 10:00am

Anger Management                      6:00pm

Celebrate Recovery                     7:00pm


Adult Bible Study                        10:00am


Men's Bible Study                         6:30pm

Spanish Bible Study                      6:00pm


Adult Bible Study                           6:30pm

    Youth / Kids for Christ                  6:30pm   

Young Adults                                   6:30pm


Domestic Violence Class              6:00pm

Fifth Friday Fellowship  6:00pm-8:00pm


Compassion Food Distribution Ministry 

 Second Saturday of the Month  9:00 am

Rescue Mission Alliance Food Distribution

Last Saturday of the Month       9:00am

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