Twin Lakes Community Church
Growing a Church to Serve Our Community
With over 2000 active members, our congregation is a strong and supportive community. This allows us to advocate in the region for issues like women’s rights and refugee relief, and to work directly with the people we serve.
Service Times 8:30am & 10:30am (Last Sunday of the month combined service 10:00am)
Spanish Service 12:00pm
Narcotic Anonymous 6:00pm
Women's Bible Study 10:00am
Anger Management 6:00pm
Celebrate Recovery 7:00pm
Adult Bible Study 10:00am
Men's Bible Study 6:30pm
Spanish Bible Study 6:00pm
Adult Bible Study 6:30pm
Youth / Kids for Christ 6:30pm
Young Adults 6:30pm
Domestic Violence Class 6:00pm
Fifth Friday Fellowship 6:00pm-8:00pm
Compassion Food Distribution Ministry
Second Saturday of the Month 9:00 am
Rescue Mission Alliance Food Distribution
Last Saturday of the Month 9:00am
Encouraging each other in faith through Christ Jesus.